“I began working with Liz at the start of the pandemic. I had been laid off from all of my retail and bartending jobs. When I was faced with the reality that now might be the only time I’d be able to take the leap and become a full time artist, I was also totally unsure of everything that would entail outside of my studio practice. Liz walked me through the steps of thinking about my audience, how to find the niches that my work would be successful within, and figuring out how to structure my time in ways that worked with my non-nuerotypical brain so I wouldn’t be left feeling overwhelmed or overworked. After 2020, I became a full time ceramic artist and am now making a living doing what I love. There’s a prevailing stigma that artists aren’t business savvy, and I definitely wasn’t- but Liz helped me change that, and her work with creatives like myself is helping all of us actually make our seemingly far away goals a very tangible reality!”

- Casey Taylor Ceramics

I approached Liz because I felt I needed an objective opinion as to how my creative vision was reaching the community. I also felt overwhelmed at structuring the schedules for marketing, events and social media outreach. Liz and I communicated succinctly, with an excellent flow to the timing and relevance of our meetings. During a crucial time in my business development, Liz provided feedback and guidance that helped me to focus on exactly what I needed to in order to effectively understand and expand my vision.

- Derek, Constellation Catskill



Silver + Citrine




Fewer Finer Jewelry








Dee’s Healing Hands
